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[홍콩] 입찰정보(2024-34)


(정보제공 : 주홍콩총영사관)

홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2024-34)

(관보게재일 : 2024.8.23)

1. 보청기 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Education Bureau

ㅇ 입찰번호 : EDB/EAS/HAT24

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of Hearing Aids to the Education Bureau 

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.9(수), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4963

2. 영안실 및 관련 장비 공급 및 설치

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Health Bureau

ㅇ 입찰번호 : HHBH2417G0012024

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply and Installation of Refrigerators, Morgue (Cold Body Chamber) and Related Equipment to the Chinese Medicine Hospital  

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.3(목), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4964

3. 통합통신시스템 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Health Bureau

ㅇ 입찰번호 : HHBH2417S0012024

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of an Integrated Telecommunications System for the Chinese Medicine Hospital  

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.4(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4965

4. 조경 유지 및 관리 서비스 제공

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : AFCD/NP/02/24

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of landscape maintenance services at the Long Valley Nature Park

   * 계약기간 : 2024.12.1부터 36개월  

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.9.19(목), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4966

5. 신개발 지역 부지조성 및 기반시설 공사계약

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Civil Engineering and Development Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : ND/2024/02 - No. 7828CL

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Kwu Tung North New Development Area, Remaining Phase: Site Formation and Infrastructure Works (North)

   * 계약기간 : 2025.2월부터 63개월   

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.11.1(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4967

6. 고성능 액체크로마토그래프 텐덤질량분석기 공급 및 설치

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Department of Health

ㅇ 입찰번호 : DH/GCMTI/T0724

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply and Installation of Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatograph with Tandem Mass Spectrometer Systems to the Department of Health   

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.7(월), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4969

7. 로사르탄칼륨 정제 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Department of Health

ㅇ 입찰번호 : DHD050524

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of Losartan Potassium Tablets to the Department of Health  

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.7(월), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4970

8. 스토리지 시스템 공급 및 관련 서비스 제공

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Digital Policy Office (DPO)

ㅇ 입찰번호 : DPO-085-066-004-022

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of Storage System and Provision of Related Services for the Storage Area Network (SAN) of the Digital Policy Office  

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.7(월), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4971

9. 다목적 차량 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : A0600402024

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of multi-purpose cars to various Government departments

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.3(목), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4975

10. 버스 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : AD200782023

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of tactical buses to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.4(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4975

11. 수화석회 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : A7600992023

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of hydrated lime to the Water Supplies Department

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.4(금), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4975

12. 평판 잉크 공급

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : A0600272024

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of lithographic process ink to the Government Logistics Department 

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.10.7(월), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4975

13. 억류선박 유지 및 보수 서비스 제공

ㅇ 입찰기구 : Marine Department

ㅇ 입찰번호 : PCTR2024-04

ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of Maintenance Service of Detained Craft at Sham Tuk Wan, Sai Kung  

   * 계약기간 : 2025.1.15~2028.1.14 

ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2024.9.16(월), 12:00

ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2024&vol=28&no=34&extra=0&type=0&number=4977

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